Your Partner for a Healthy Future

Diets rich in pulses contribute to good health and can reduce the risk of certain diseases. Pulses are a key part of healthy vegetarian and Mediterranean diets and dietary recommendations from diabetes, heart health and cancer organizations all include pulses.

Eating Pulses can help maintain a healthy body weight

Pulses are rich in protein and fibre, and a low in fat, which can all help with body weight management. Protein and fibre help you to feel fuller longer. In addition to fibre, pulses also have other carbohydrates that are complex and take longer to break down compared with other carbohydrates (simple sugars). This means they provide energy for a longer time after you eat them compared with a quick energy source like sugars. The carbohydrates in pulses include oligosaccharides and resistant starch which can increase production of good bacteria for a healthy gut.

Pulses can help reduce the risk of Chronic Diseases

Pulses can help to manage blood sugar levels and diabetes because they do not cause blood sugar levels to rise as much as sugary or starchy foods that are low in fibre. Keeping blood sugar levels within the normal range reduces the risk of developing diabetes and also helps people who have diabetes to avoid having more health problems associated with levels that are not well controlled.

Pulses are a heart healthy food choice. Research has shown that eating pulses can lower blood cholesterol, reduce blood pressure and help with body weight management, which are all risk factors for heart disease. Pulses are low in saturated and trans fats and high in soluble fibre. These are all important for a heart healthy diet.

Studies have shown that people who eat diets containing pulses regularly have reduced risks of some cancers. The high levels of fibre, and low amounts of fat in pulses, and the antioxidant vitamins they contain are thought to contribute to this protective effect.